Saturday, 24 January 2015

The City Of Dreams.

They call it the city of dreams! I asked one of fellow passenger why and he answered- “Dost! Here all types of dreams of a person get fulfilled (winking), that’s why everyone dreams to come here and shape their fortune as per fate!” I rejoiced and prompted my second question- Does this city really gets to fulfill everyone’s every dream? “Well” he said smiling, “that’s for you to explore!”

The city portrays a wide canvas of shades pertaining to topography, religion, living status and most importantly size of people’s hearts! Lying amidst the breathtaking Western Ghats on one side and never ending Arabian Sea on the other, the city offers exhilarating experience to those who reside here. The climate here is exceptional as we have only 3 major season- summer, Monsoon and Cool Summer (it accidently coincides with the shivering winter in other country parts!!).

But the most defining attribute of any city is kind of people over there. Talking religiously, people of different orientations can be seen here living in comparable harmony than other parts of country. Moreover, not much heed is given to the further sub-division- Caste system. Talking socially, the city has pool of people from all standards of living. You can see beautifully built housing complexes in soaring edifices and in the backdrop a multistoried slum covering the entire foothill.  Talking particularly, I’ve met strangers who walked along with me for extra distance just to ensure that I reach the correct location, being new to the city. And contrastingly, there were those who asked me to get the hell out of there as they are not signboards! Local Trains- nerve of this city is the perfect place to encounter vividness of people’s persona. You just have to keep your eyes, ears and mind open.
The point here is that all of them are aware of themselves and are not hesitant to perform their heart out. The various attributes of this city (viz. local trains, traffic) teaches you how to live life with stability and confidence in the moments of rush and hurry, the value of every single minute, as it passes, the essence of weekdays-weekends,  and the fact that life always goes on irrespective of who you are or what your circumstances are. It teaches you that people are not always good as well as bad, and that you should try to make every moment large.

Now when I think of answers to my earlier question of dreams, I realize that it is these learning as well as the courage and ability to perform your heart out which guides you to the fulfillment of all your dreams. And that the city doesn’t fulfill your dreams, it makes you the one who can achieve his dreams in any city.

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